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Assistance with automating cli commands on AP using Python/Paramiko

Assistance with automating cli commands on AP using Python/Paramiko

New Contributor

I am trying to build a python script to connect to the APs cli via SSH using Paramiko, issue commands and collect the output. Ultimately, I want to develop a more automated and reliable method to upgrading the APs software in the field.


I am able to connect to the AP using paramiko.SSHClient() and .connect() and this appears to be successful. When I issue .exec_command("show version") for example, I get nothing back in the stdout buffer. Code example below:


ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()


   print("Connecting to AP")

   ssh.connect(hostname=ap_ip, username="admin", password="1234")

   print("Connected -sending command to AP")

   stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("show version")

   print("command issued")

   data_out = stdout.readlines()





Has anyone successfully been able to script against the Aerohive APs? Any direction would be appreciated as I am not making progress with this effort. Thanks!


New Contributor III

Chris that is pretty awesome. I personally think they will keep HiveOS it seems to work well. I don't know much about Extreme's OS or if they even offer CLI. I just hope they keep improving the cloud management because it seems very clunky to me.

New Contributor

Luckily, I was able to get this working using a Paramiko shell. The code below is an example of how I can send and get feedback from non-interactive commands (like show commands). I will post something on Netmiko so see if we can get HiveOS support added, however, what is the future of HiveOS with the acquisition? Would it be worth the effort?



# Import pprint (print pretty) and Paramiko libs

from pprint import pprint

import paramiko


# Function

def TestSSHtoAP():

# Get host/ip from user

host = input("Enter hostname or ip of device: ")


# Setup and connect to AP on SSH - auto accept host key

ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()


print("Connecting to AP")

ssh.connect(hostname=host, port=22, username='admin', password='XXXX')


# Create channel for sending data and prefill the var

channel = ssh.invoke_shell()

channel_data = str(channel.recv(9999))


# While loop untli we exit

while True:

# if there is data on the receive of channel, print it otherwise continue

if channel.recv_ready():

channel_data += str(channel.recv(9999))

print('######### Device Output #########






# if the channel_data ends with the hostname#' (note the ' after # is necessary)

if channel_data.endswith(host + "#'"):

# get a command from user to send to AP

show_command = input("Enter a show command to send: ")

# send it and print the output

channel.send(show_command + '


channel_data += str(channel.recv(9999))

######### Device Output #########



#exit while loop and exit function

return True


#close the ssh session



# Function call and exit




New Contributor III

If you want to send commands via SSH to a large group of access points in my case 6600 access points. I would use Cattools by solarwinds. It is not perfect but it works for most things and is not that expensive. I use it to run VLAN probes all the time.


I started looking into this two years ago. Might be helpful to ping Kirk Byers, the creator of Netmiko to look into the output and add support for HiveOS.