‎08-21-2019 06:52 PM
‎10-10-2019 03:32 PM
If you were on NG then this would be under HM Cloud, the NG bit was dropped from the name effectively. If you've got an interface like Tran's screenshot above then that's HM Cloud.
‎10-10-2019 02:57 PM
What is the easiest way to tell if you have HMOL or HM Cloud? We originally had HM-NG but that is not an option so I wasn't sure which category it fell into?
‎09-03-2019 12:34 PM
Hi Tran, thanks for letting me know, I've emailed you directly with the files you'll need. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any further issues updating your AP.
‎09-03-2019 06:56 AM
i have ap370 but it doesn't work on hive manger, it seems low fw, can you send me last fw ? thanks
‎08-21-2019 06:53 PM
This is a duplicate of the post found here, as the old link is having some visibility issues: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/question/0D50c00005jmpq9CAA/aerohive-hiveos-access-point-mat...