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PPSK and Selfregistration / users assignement

PPSK and Selfregistration / users assignement

New Contributor III

Hi there,


im not sure if its possible what i would like to do but ill just ask.



One SSID with multiple Passwords

based on the password OR based on the user group (but i would need an automatism that puts users with a certain email address in a specific group didnt find this option ) the user gets a specific VLAN 


After the user is able to connect to the ssid, the users needs to sign up to gain access to the internet



Is that possible?


i found something similar but with one Open SSIDs i would rather have one SSID. I also dont like the fact that everybody is in the same VLAN by Default.






New Contributor III

Support could help out.

View solution in original post


New Contributor III

I also just noticed that when i login as the Guest Management User, the approved User doesnt show up in the List.


But as Admin i can see him as approved by the Guest Management User.


That seems unusual.

New Contributor III

Hi Sam thanks,


i redid everything from start.


Opened a SSID named it-test.reg

  • enabled Self Registration
  • enabled Return to Aerohive Private PSK
  • added CWP
    • Approver Email Domain List with our domain
    • PPSK Settings Choose Access SSID it-test
    • PPKS Server --> Cloud PPSK


PPSK SSID it-test

  • Enabled CWP
  • Added Testgroup -> Credential User Group got Registration Operation Email --> Approval enabled and the Testgroup selected as Enabled


I even created a User for Guest Management.


I register my Phone:

  • i get an Email as User with the PSK,
    • the Guest Management Mail i entered also gets an email with the approval link -> i approve the User


When i Login to the test-it SSID with the PSK i still get wrong Password.

When i check the User in the NGconnect he is listed as Approved by the Guest Management User.


I also tried to add a User manually with the same result. What am i doing wrong !?


Esteemed Contributor III

Thank you for letting me know. I've taken a look and I see the Credential distribution group now, but it does not have employee approval enabled on it, where as your registration captive web portal does have employee approval turned on. 


The link below is a guide that reviews the set up for an employee approval self registration SSID, I would recommend reviewing it side by side with your configuration to make sure all the necessary steps have been taken in your set up.

New Contributor III

Hi there,


there werent any credentials distribution groups beside the admin one.


I created a new one and assigned it. I registered a new User and it still gave me the wrong PW.


I gave u more rights now u should be able to see it now.


I turned the debug on. and redid everything. Not working.


the mac address was 1c91480fa8dc


Thanks !

Esteemed Contributor III

Thanks for checking in, I appreciate your patience while we looked in to this for you. I see you have Employee approval set up in the CWP but unfortunately I don't have a high enough access to see your credential distribution groups (Silhouette icon in the top right hand corner> Global Settings> Credential distribution groups). I need to see the guest management credential distribution group in particular.


If you have a self registration SSID set up and require employee approval, the clients will be able to register but they won't be able to use the credentials they are given until the employee approval goes through correctly.


Assuming that is set up correctly, I'd want to SSH in to an AP, run the follow commands, go through the entire registration process again as a new user, and then pull tech data.



_debug auth info

_debug auth basic


After you've tried to register and log in, please pull tech data (Tools> Utilities> Get tech data> Check the box next to the AP you connected to> Get tech data (at the top of the page this time)) and email that over to me. Please also let me know the MAC address of the client you were testing with so I can be sure to look at the correct data in the tech data you send over.