04-20-2019 10:35 PM
05-01-2019 05:31 PM
There are some settings that can't be changed once the DHCP server object is created, and an existing IP scope is one of those things. You would have to make a new IP scope all together, or a new DHCP server object.
05-01-2019 04:39 PM
05-01-2019 03:14 PM
Could you get a packet capture taken while a client is unable to get an IP address? Please send the MAC address of the client that was unable to get an IP address with the packet capture so we can filter for the right traffic.
This guide reviews how to capture a remote sniffer packet capture on NG: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Packet-Capture-in-NG
Please feel free to send that over to communityhelp@aerohive.com.
05-01-2019 03:08 PM
04-29-2019 10:02 AM
That's all you should need to put clients on that VLAN, and the APs will know which AP is the DHCP server for that VLAN so the traffic will be passed there to get an IP address.