End of Service Products
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Forum Posts

port security alpine 3800

dear tech. team .. can u provide me with the commands for alpian 3800 (for port-security and arp protection and dhcp-snooping ) we are planing to apply this command in our site . hops to have a feed back as soon as possible

ELRP disabling ports on ExtremeWare

So in getting ready to configure company wide ELRP I was doing to some testing the other day. The test case is a Summit200-24 running Image : Extremeware Version 7.8e.4.1 Issue is when ELRP detected a loop it disables the port. FIrst I didnt th...

Redundant Power Module Cables

When getting a redundant power box and modules for my Summit x400s, I see there are the regular power cords for the input to the module and something else for connection to the switches. What kind of connector\cable is that? Where can I locate one?