Create Date: Aug 21 2013 8:04AM
With the modification of the "install.bat", installation is OK, but Ridgeline doesn't work
(the db for Ridgeline is not created)
But I found a solution:
- Install Ridgeline 4.0 32b on Windows XP.
- Make a backup of the directory "C:\Program Files\Extreme Network\Ridgeline 4.0\database\db" (the 3 Ridgeline services must be stopped)
(create somewhere a empty directory named "database" and copy "db" in it)
- Start the Ridgeline 4.0 (tested only with 64b. version...) installer on Windons 7 64b. (non US)
- Just after the last "Next", during the begining of the installation, the "Ridgeline 4.0" directory is created under C:\Program Files\Extreme Network
- Copy the backup of the "database" in the Ridgeline 4.0 directory. Be fast... (=> ....Ridgeline4.0\database)
- No more "Problem in Database creation" ...
- Finish the installation (IP port, licence, ...)
Tested: Ridgelin 4.0 can work fine in Windows 7 64bits French...
The problem seem to be just a LITTLE bug in the install. package.
But, instead of re-package correctly their installer, Extreme Network prefer to reply "Sorry, Ridgeline 4.0 can only be installed on Windows 7 US".
It may probably work for Windows 2008 (non US) too....
NB: Sorry for my really poor english.. ļ (from Lauville)