Hello, I need some guidance on upgrading our Netsight server.
We have an older Dell sever (64-bit, 4gb ram, 250gbhdd) running Netsight We have on order two C35's to replace our C25's and we are adding about 40 more AP's. We have a captive portal and NAC and the NMS-100 license. We have the policy manager and some policy's setup as well. We do not have a purview license though we use Oneview's web portal. I didn't set this up originally and have taken over the server and tasks.
It appears from the release notes that I should at the very least upgrade to as that includes the C35 support.
However in reviewing some of the materials it looks like the jump to would be a good option. I believe I have to convert my license as well but that's something that can be done online I believe.
So the question is what if anything would/should prevent me from just getting to the current software?
Major concerns are order of upgrade, I believe it's Netsight, NAC and then Identfi Wireless. It does look like I have to upgrade at least to before heading to 8.x which is sort of prompting the questions I have.
Other major concern, NAC and Policy's what should I be on the look out for etc.
Was hoping that someone with a bit more experience in upgrades could take a moment and provide some insight or links to key articles. I'm digging around but I'm sure I'm missing things.