ā10-27-2022 02:14 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to backup devices like Hirschmann RS20, RS30 and RS40.
Those switches have a running config (ASCII) and a binary config.
I'd like to backup both ASCII and Binary on XIQ-SE.
I succeeded with the ASCII alone and the binary config alone, but I'am not able to backup both in a unique script
So I just need to know how do you run 2 cli script, in a row.
Thank you very much
ā10-31-2022 02:54 AM
you can take a look at the EXOS Backup-Scripts.
The Backup of a EXOS-Switch contains a script-based config file and the xml-based config file.
I don't know how this is done, but maybe it's a help.
ā10-27-2022 05:23 AM
The short answer is, you can't. You can only assign one Inventory script to a device.
It should however be possible to build a custom archive script that offloads and archives both files using the create/copy commands as noted in the DeviceFamilyDefTemplate.txt located in /usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/appdata/InventoryMgr/properties/devicefiles sub-directory. You may want to peruse our GitHub public scripting repository as there may be some scripts there that use this function.