I have the same "error 500 / GIM Domain is NULL" problem, but I have configured like Rodney said.
XMC & GIM are both version 4.2.6
XMC server.log:
2019-06-19 14:11:11,546 ERROR [com.enterasys.netsight.tam.server.web.rs.GimTemplatesRSServiceImpl] GIM Domain is NULL

dedicated NAC for guest stuff =
XMC is also in same subnet.

Guest and IoT Config is provided with a domain and a password repository:

This password repository contains one User, which is enabled, but has no GIM checkmark.
Engine group "GƤste-NAC" has an own AAA configuration ("Gastportal AAA") which puts requests from location GIM to local auth "GIM_repository". I have no LDAP configs there since I test with local reository only.

Location group "GIM" contains: switch, Port: *, AP ID: *
Everthing is enforced, but I still get error: "Error fetching Guest Users. Error on Access Control Engine/XMC.
Please check to make sure that your GIM configuration (Manager and GIM domain) on XMC is set correctly."
Does anyone have an idea?