‎07-19-2023 01:07 AM
In the analitycss dashboard there is no info about networks and application response.
I have checked the config on the switches:
ACL: ok
configure access-list telemetry any ingress
configure access-list telemetryegress any egress
configure sflow sample-rate 1024
configure sflow poll-interval 60
enable sflow
configure sflow collector 10.2.x.y port 6343 vr "VR-Default"
configure sflow agent ipaddress 10.2.x.z
configure sflow ports 1 sample-rate 1024
enable sflow ports 1 ingress
Mirror EAN ok
create mirror "EAN"
configure mirror EAN to remote-ip 10.2.x.y from 10.2.x.z ping-check off
enable mirror EAN
What can be wrong?
‎07-19-2023 06:22 AM - edited ‎07-19-2023 07:00 AM
The appid and appidserver are running.
The sflow and mirror traffice is reveiving by the analitycs server
‎07-19-2023 06:40 AM
Is Network Time and Application time seen in the Application Flows table?
If it is there then check your endpoint locations
If it is not there then check the ACL mirror information = does the telemetry.pol file contain the relevant information? are you receiving the ERSPAN data on the Analytics Engine?
‎07-19-2023 07:11 AM - edited ‎07-20-2023 04:02 AM
yes there is Network time and application time in the Application Flows table.
Yes the Analityscs engine receives ERSPAN data.
What do I have to check on the endnodes?
I noticed an alarm:
No mirror traffic seen on interface gre1 since 2023-Jul-20 12:36:09
‎07-20-2023 06:41 AM - edited ‎07-20-2023 06:42 AM
I suggest to check/define the EndPoint Locations: https://emc.extremenetworks.com/content/oneview/docs/network/devices/docs/c_ov_endpoint_loc.htm
the other feature to check is Dynamic Thersholidng:
Good luck
‎07-21-2023 12:14 AM
The endpoint locations are correct.
I cann't find the Dynamic Thresholding .
The document refers to the option tab in the left panel.
I donn't have this option.