You will likely need to get some debug gathered and configs sent into GTAC. Does 802.1x work with any Windows End Systems or just certain ones? Is there an NTLM error code in the error you see? These error code come from AD...like if someone used the wring password for example.
Is NAC joined to the AD? This is required if you are terminating 802.1x at the NAC via "LDAP/NTLM" Authentication. Specific permissions in AD are required for this and pertain to the user that is configured in your LDAP Config. You can look in the tag.log for to see if NAC was able to join the AD. SSH to the NAC and type: nacctl restart
Open the /var/log/tag.log and look for a message that NAC was able to join the AD at or about the time you ran the nacctl command. If it did not join, then this is likely the main issue.
DHCP issues are typically a result of a failed authentication and are not relevant to 8021.x as this is at Layer 2.
If NAC "is" AD joined, then this is KCS article to troubleshoot why the authentication failed. You can also submit the debug in a GTAC case:
Scott Keene
NMS/NAC Support
Extreme GTAC