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Unable to determine the reason for this log message

Unable to determine the reason for this log message

Happy Friday everyone,

Below is an excerpt from one of my switch logs. I cannot find any reason for the 4:50 NetSight login to the switch. The login which takes place just after midnight is my scheduled daily backup which is the only recurring event that we have scheduled.

Any ideas as to where I can look to find the reason for this second log message would be greatly appreciated.

01/29/2016 04:50:19.76 Slot-1: User NetSightCLI logout from xml (
01/29/2016 04:50:18.72 Slot-1: Login passed for user NetSightCLI through xml (

01/29/2016 00:14:12.67 Slot-1: User NetSightCLI logout from telnet (
01/29/2016 00:13:29.22 Slot-1: (telnet) NetSightCLI: save configuration as-script nms
01/29/2016 00:13:06.32 Slot-1: (telnet) NetSightCLI: save configuration primary
01/29/2016 00:13:04.91 Slot-1: Login passed for user NetSightCLI through telnet (
01/29/2016 00:13:02.56 Slot-1: User NetSightCLI logout from telnet (
01/29/2016 00:12:58.79 Slot-1: Login passed for user NetSightCLI through telnet (


Thank you Henrique,

That does appear to be what it is. Polling is set for 720 minutes and I now notice the same message at 4:50 and 16:50.

Extreme Employee
Hi David,

This might be related to "Data Polling Interval" which use XML connection to the switch to collect information about device's slots and ports.

You can check in the switch what's the interval among xml access log messages and confirm that number/interval in NetSight:

NetSight Console => Tools => Options => Network Monitor Cache (under Suite Options in the left side)

Then write the interval in minutes for "Data Polling Interval (minutes)" box in the right side

Note: The default value for this option is 720 minutes (12 hours). That means the NetSight might be accessing the switch through XML every 12 hours.