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Unable to upgrade firmware in Management Center on a single switch

Unable to upgrade firmware in Management Center on a single switch

New Contributor II
I've added three X440 switches to my new installation of Management Center. I am in full control of them with SNMP and CLI credentials. Management Center successfully backs up their configurations.


When I select one of the switches to upgrade firmware (I know, they are already on the latest version), I get the normal dialog window:


...except, if I try to do that with the last switch I added, here called Silverdale, WA:


No difference exists between this and the other two switches. How can I manage the firmware on this switch using Management Center?

Honored Contributor
I fully understand, I've just answered your question ..."What are you seeking?

If that isn't possible because the client doesn't support/allow Java I've no clue where to find the same information in EMC - might be that this is one function that isn't yet implemented in the browser view.

New Contributor II
Ronald, I'm not sure you're understanding me. I simply can't run the java-based legacy applications, inventory manager being one of those. What you've captured there is a screenshot of Inventory Manager. I know this, because I've used NetSight since 2007.

I'm trying to find the equivalent place to do this in Management Center's web GUI.

Honored Contributor
I'd check if the devices have the same attributes set.... i.e. green check for firmware download.


New Contributor II
Ronald, I can't run the legacy java based applications. What are you seeking?

Honored Contributor
Could you please provide a screenshot of the following two windows...

- in Inventory manager select the affected switch - I'd like to see the info in the right "general" tab
- then select the "image information" tab and post that also