ā02-07-2019 04:29 PM
I am trying to get XMC to provision our switches with the syslog automatically. I have enabled "Enable Automatic Syslog Configuration" on the Admin tab but I still get the blank log files ofMSM-A: Enabling syslog MSM-A: Added syslog server for :514 MSM-A: Starting to add syslog server
I found the following article explaining how to fix it and I have done that but it still doesn't work.
I actually found these files under
C:\Program Files\Extreme Networks\NetSight\appdata\scripting\overrides
Not the user directory the article says.
Any ideas?
ā02-15-2019 09:15 PM
The solution is in the first post...
ā02-15-2019 09:06 PM
ā02-08-2019 01:07 AM
ā02-07-2019 08:40 PM