‎10-12-2024 05:43 AM
Hi there,
When registering my AP370 to ExtremeNetworks, I get the error code: The device appears to be in use by another VIQ.
The S/N is 03701308290255.
Please can I have some assitance on this, any help would be greatly appricated!
Kind Regards
‎10-14-2024 02:31 PM
It's just via the standard support portal. URL is here: https://extreme-networks.my.site.com/ExtrSupportHome
If you don't have an account you'll need one to log a support ticket.
‎10-13-2024 12:23 AM
You'll need to log this with TAC. Your AP is still in use by another XiQ instance and will need removing from it.
As long as you can prove you have the AP, they will generally sort it pretty quick.
‎10-13-2024 01:24 AM
Thanks for your reply, how would I go about this?/Where could I accesss TAC?