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Channel Utilization 100% for AP410's

Channel Utilization 100% for AP410's

New Contributor III

Hello. Hoping to get an answer to why channel utilization is 100% on all our APs when running the command "show acsp neighbor". I opened a case related to this when we first implemented the wireless network but support thought it was a false reading. Now it's been months and we're still seeing the same thing. The screen print is just a small sample. Our network is barely being used at the moment so it's not high utilization, maybe 1 to 5 users per AP. Appreciate any ideas, thanks.




The snippet shows high CU on channel 165. There are interference sources in U-NII-3 band (more precisely, ISM 5.725 - 5.875 GHz band) from motion sensors (used in lighting control) and other building sensor devices.

You could do a spectrum analysis in 5 GHz to find out.

New Contributor III

Thanks Jan that is very interesting. This AP is close to conference rooms with lights controlled by sensors. Shouldn't Cloud IQ be smart enough to see the high CU and adjust to a new channel? 

Channel switch depens on thresholds, timing  and other logic that are configurable. You don't want an AP flapping between channels.

You can control it in Configure > Common Objects > Radio Profiles > Advanced Settins > Dynamic Channel Switching

Pro tip: clone an existing radio profile, then apply it to your AP template.

@BartekCoPilot is very cool, but DFS (for radar coexistence) and channel switching do not require extra lineces.

@Macknkss wrote:

Shouldn't Cloud IQ be smart enough to see the high CU and adjust to a new channel? 

Do you have a valid XIQ Co-Pilot license in your system for that? For DFS channels there is an algorithm to detect radars in vicinity and in this scenario, AP changes channel by itself.