‎05-08-2023 06:31 PM
I need to upgrade a HiveManager NG version to higher versions .
Following this guide: https://docs.aerohive.com/330000/docs/help/english/ng/Content/Resources/Snippets/release-notes-snipp...
Seems that the site where I'm supposed to download the image is offline (support.aerohive.com).
What should I do? Where to download from?
‎05-09-2023 07:28 AM
Hi Rodrigo,
Ash is correct that you would go to extremeportal.force.com to access the upgrade files. This is the Extreme Support Portal, which replaced support.aerohive.com. You would click Products > ExtremeCloud at the top of the page. The use the hyperlink for ExtremeCloud IQ On Premises. That is the new name for HiveManager NG Virtual Appliance. From there, you will see all the versions available for download.
‎05-09-2023 03:39 AM
Hi Rodrigo, try going to extremeporal.force.com > downloads > search "IQVA" for the later versions.