I might have solved this.
This is what I did:
I went into the AP, selected configure, wireless interfaces, and for wifi0 (and wifi1 for the heck of it) i selected the default radio profile. I pushed a delta but the orange audit tage stayed orange. so i did a full config push.
Heres where its weird. I saw that Auto was no longer there for that AP. So i go back into the AP, and it no longer has the default radio profile, it has the radio profile thats set in the AP template assigned in my network policy. Maybe it got that from my full config push... seems odd though, as i changed it at the device level.. not sure which takes precedence. But now im nto seeing auto for the power on wifi0. It was weird that ti seemed a a couple of delta pushes didnt work and it did take TWO full config pushes for it to "take".

Im going to try this on the other AP, this time im only going to change wifi0's radio profile to the default one and see what happens... Ill edit this to say what happens.