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Landing page to Captive Portal on ExtremeControl

Landing page to Captive Portal on ExtremeControl

New Contributor III

Hi All,


Does anybody know how to improve de landing page in Captive Portal installed in the ExtremeControl?

I know where I can change messages strings, colors, text and such under Control > Access Control > Configuration > Captive Portals > Select the captive portal config > WebSite Configuration > Look & Feel, I can use a jpg, etc, BUT, the result is so poor compared with to ClearPass or Cisco ISE. 
This page on ExtremeControl is not "responsive". So, when the user access this page with phone, he need to zoom to see the logon and imput the user and password.

Has anyone changed the html or css file directly in the NAC folder?

Somebody has an example to share? 

Best regards,

Edson Moura


Extreme Employee


There are different configuration options you have that can completely changed the look and feel of the login page. In your case I think you want to make sure this option is enabled: 
Under Configuration --> Captive Portals --> Your portal --> Network Settings make sure "Use Mobile Captive Portal" is enabled: 



This will format the page in a more mobile friendly manner so they won't have to zoom in. 

You do not have to modify any html or css directly in the NAC folder. 

Under the "Look and Feel" section there are options available to load your custom style sheets to override portal elements:


Please be aware that modification of the portal through these style sheets is not supported by GTAC.
