Hi Elena,
I have just tested the LAG configuration with an X460-G2 with EXOS and an N1 with firmware, and it works fine.
I currently suspect the non-production-ready X690 firmware to not set the LACP System ID and the N7 to not accept the all zero LACP System ID it sees. You could try to verify this by attaching a packet sniffer (e.g. a PC with
Wireshark) to the X690 (or a mirror port on a switch connected to the X690, see
How To Configure a Port Mirror on an EOS Modular Switch or
How To Enable And Configure Mirroring In EXOS) and looking at the captured LACP PDUs.
A software update on the X690 and a new test with the configuration that works with a C2 with the N7 is probably easier and might actually solve the problem.
BTW, does the output of the command
show port lacp port status detail on the C2 show an
all zero operational LACP System ID as well?