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Administratively Disabling Ports after X days of no Activity

Administratively Disabling Ports after X days of no Activity

New Contributor
Hi all,

I'm curious if anyone has managed to create, or know of a solution to automatically down inactive ports after X number of days of no activity on those ports?

Also, is this a feature that is or can be baked into XMC or the switching operating system?

Jared Harvey

New Contributor

Thanks for the heads up on the port info detail command. That should get me the information I need for our EXOS switches. I've been looking through the EOS switches, and have found no command that gives similar information.

New Contributor
Afaik there is no automated option, as I don't use XMC I can't tell you whether you can do it or not.
On the other hand EXOS has many options for scripting, so I guess it should be easy to create a simple script doing that.
As you can see in the "show port info detail" you have an entry
Link Downs: 166 Last: Thu Feb 14 13:13:35 2019

which you could use for an automated script.