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Can you preconfigure slot numbers on new switches going into an existing X450-G2 stack or do they have to be done at the time of install?

Can you preconfigure slot numbers on new switches going into an existing X450-G2 stack or do they have to be done at the time of install?

New Contributor

I have an existing stack with 2 nodes already. I am adding 3 additional switches to the stack. Can I preconfigure the 3 new switches as slots 3-5 before hand or will they need to be done once they are added to the stack as this article points out:

Thanks for any responses.


configure stacking node-address slot
synchronize stacking node-address
enable stacking node-address
reboot node-address

Here you go!

I concur with what David said. Make sure you have the module type correctly configured or else you will have to unconfigure the slot and start over.