Hi Nick,
the primary use case for ELRP is to protect against looped access ports. Even a trunk, e.g. to a hypervisor host, should be disabled in case of a loop via this access port, IMHO.
To selectively and dynamically block VLANs on inter switch links, you can use the different STP variants, EAPS, or ELRP.
In general, I would enable ELRP on access port only and disable the egress port if a loop is detected.
EXOS switches are quite flexible due to scripting, but I can only advise to exercise this flexibility with caution. All operations personnel needs to be able to debug the scripts, which in general is harder than writing it in the first place.
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
-- Brian W. Kernighan