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EXOS CLI Cursor jumping

EXOS CLI Cursor jumping

Contributor III
EXOS CLI cursor is sometimes jumping out of the windows - especially on long command lines or if the putty windows was resized during the session (which is quite a normal effort).

Have a look:


Especially if you want to change one parameter within a existing line of commands.

This Problem occurs in all EXOS versions. I try several putty versions, but all have the same issue.

Does anybody know this issue ?

Is it possible to avoid that problem ? Maybe an adjustment on Putty client ?
Are there a possibility to make EXOS CLI line redraw ?


Stephane, I did not reproduce the jumping cursor issue using SSH when trying today.

Automatically setting columns and lines according to the terminal size on every resize should be considered a feature request, it is standard behavior on GNU/Linux and Arista switches.

In case this is not clear: I agree with the annoyance of this behavior.

Erik: I understand you didn't reproduce the issue. Correct?

I can only emphatically agree with Erik - setting the column count of a ssh session should be done automatically (not via manually command or python workaround script). As Eric describes other compareable vendors support such basic feature.

From my side i claim that EXOS have to provide tsuch functionality (as an network admn is have better things to keep in mind than the column count of my terminal).

I will be glad if you discusse that with PLM and transfer that demand to engineering.


Hello Stephane,

I tried to reproduce this connecting via SSH to an EXOS 21.1 VM and an EXOS 15.3 X450e switch, but the line wrap worked fine when changing the window size. So the situation seems to be better than I remembered.

On the other hand, a usual GNU/Linux server or an Arista switch automatically adjust the size on terminal window resizing, resulting in correct paging, for example. In this regard I'd say that there is room for optimization. 😉


Can you reproduce a ssh session, in VT100 emulation, being resized and then making the cursor jump?