Hi htw,
I don't think there is no native EXOS CLI command to show you the same but there is a debug command as below example although it's not that pretty to see.
BCM.0> port 2PORT: Status (* indicates PHY link up) *ge1 (EnabledLS(SW Auto((1GFD,pause_rx) Ability (fd = 10MB,100MB,1000MB hd = 10MB,100MB,1000MB intf = sgmii medium = copper pause = pause_tx,pause_rx,pause_asymm lb = none,MAC,PHY flags = autoneg )Local (fd = 10MB,100MB,1000MB hd = 10MB,100MB,1000MB intf = medium = pause = pause_tx,pause_rx lb = flags = )Remote (fd = 10MB,100MB,1000MB hd = 10MB,100MB intf = medium = pause = pause_rx lb = flags = )Stad(00:04:96:a1:af:38) STP(Forward) Lrn(ARL,FWD) UtPri(0) Pfm(FloodNone) IF(SGMII) PH(Auto) Max_frame(1518) MDIX(Auto, Normal) Medium(Copper) VLANFILTER(3) Mac driver(UniMAC Driver)
From the output you can find advertised speed of local and remote port and others.
Since it is required to enter a debug mode to get this info, kindly contact our GTAC engineer to issue an OTP for you.