Today i stumple about the following EXOS cli command:
create ports group port_group
CLI Reference mention this:
This command creates a generic port-group name that can be associated with a list of ports. The port_group option could be implemented in configure or show commands that currently accept a port_list.
Good Question: Which commands associate with a port_list ???
I do test on my EXOS Lab Switch (EXOS 22.2):
* TEST-SW.7 # configure ports "Uplink" ?
add Add ports to port group
delete Remove ports from port group
rate-limit Rate limiting
* TEST-SW.7 #
* TEST-SW.7 # sh port group "Uplink"
Group Name Ports
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Uplink 49-52
* TEST-SW.8 #
I hope port group is a feature the does the same like "port range" at other vendors CLI... but i fear i am wrong.
How can i use port groups meaningful ?? What are the use cases for this command?