I need help with configuring external access to my Extreme stack. The stack consists of X450e-48p (master), X650-24x (secondary).
I need help with making the vlan IP accessable from the internet. I have tried everything and cannot get the switch to allow any traffic at all on these IPs. ping returns destination unreachable.
Here is my show vlan:
Slot-1 x.4 # show vlan
Name VID Protocol Addr Flags Proto Ports Virtual
Active router
Default 1 x.xx.xxx.88 /26 -----------T----------- ANY 11/18 VR-Default
Internal 4092 xx.x.x.2 /24 ----------------------- ANY 4 /5 VR-Default
iSCSI 4094 xx.x.xx.2 /24 ----------------------- ANY 3 /5 VR-Default
Mgmt 4095 xxx.xxx.xx.4 /24 ----------------------- ANY 1 /1 VR-Mgmt
Unused 4091 ------------------------------------------- ANY 0 /38 VR-Default
Ping returns nothing from within the switch:
Slot-1 x.5 # ping
Ping(ICMP) 4 packets, 8 data bytes, interval 1 second(s).
Packet transmit error; Destination unreachable
Packet transmit error; Destination unreachable
Packet transmit error; Destination unreachable
Packet transmit error; Destination unreachable
--- ping statistics ---
0 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 0% loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms
The mgmt IP is inaccesable from the internet via all protocols; ssh, telnet and web. All of these protocols are enabled globally on the switch.
The iproutes for VR-Mgmt are:
Slot-1 x.7 # show iproute vr vr-mgmt
Ori Destination Gateway Mtr Flags VLAN Duration
#d xxx.xxx.xx.0/24 xxx.xxx.xx.4 1 U------um--f Mgmt 0d:7h:53m:29s
IP stats on the mgmt interface seem to be receiving packets, but not sending anything:
Slot-1 x.11 # show ipstats mgmt
Router Interface on VLAN Mgmt
inet xxx.xxx.xx.4 netmask broadcast xxx.xxx.xx.255
Stats: IN OUT
37374 0 packets
3854762 0 octets
311 0 Mcast pkts
12183 0 Bcast pkts
0 0 errors
23153 0 discards
0 unknown protos
The router for my management IP can be pinged from my office connection:
Pinging xxx.xxx.xx.1 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from xxx.xxx.xx.1: bytes=32 time=36ms TTL=249
Reply from xxx.xxx.xx.1: bytes=32 time=63ms TTL=249
However, from the switch it does not ping:
Slot-1 x.13 # ping xxx.xxx.xx.1
Ping(ICMP) xxx.xxx.xx.1: 4 packets, 8 data bytes, interval 1 second(s).
Packet transmit error; Destination unreachable
Packet transmit error; Destination unreachable
The same happens with the VR-Default vr. It's IP address is also inaccessable, however is accessable from servers connected to the Default vlan.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am at a loss as to how to get the management port accessable from the internet.