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How do you reset a summit X450a-24T to factory default?

How do you reset a summit X450a-24T to factory default?

New Contributor II
Just trying to get into the switch mainly im new to Extreme and I just wanted to play around with one. learn how to back it up and reconfigure it, i bought a used machine with a unknown password and i have tried many was to reset it none are working i have finally got in the switch with the user account but i cannot access anything or reconfigure anything.

If you don't know the password then you need to follow below step in order to unconfigure all the configuration from switch.

1. Reboot the switch by unplugging the power and plugging it back. 2. Press and hold the spacebar button while the switch is booting up.

3. If you happen to enter into the "BOOTSTRAP" mode, then:

a. Type the command "BOOT".

b. Press and hold the spacebar once again. It will take you to the "BOOTROM" interface.

4) Execute command "config none" and then reboot.


In switch is running with bootrom, config none command may not work.

In this case, you have to download new software from bootrom.

1) TFTP server should be connected to mgmt port

2) To configure Ip address " configip ipaddress gateway

3) type via CLI: download image

{NOTE: ipaddress is TFTP server; filename is XOS image being downloaded}.


If you have admin access of switch then you could execute command "unconfigre switch all" to remove all the configuration from switch.

New Contributor II
oh i should also ad that the triple A's are up aswell i know i need to wait for them to go away before i log in

New Contributor II
i have tried the "config none" command in the BootRom, it takes the command but it doesn't do anything, Also im not to sure what the Default username and password are but I have found online its Admin/Password. Can i upgrade the bootrom??

Other options

Slot-1 Stack.2 # unconfigure slot ?
Slot number
"1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8"
Slot-1 Stack.2 # unconfigure slot

all All switch configuration
Slot-1 Stack.1 # unconfigure switch
Restore factory defaults (except user accounts, failsafe information, and stacking parameters) and reboot? (y/N)