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How to configure a rate shaping

How to configure a rate shaping

New Contributor
Would I like to know how I configure a rate shaping?
I need to ensure 2 Mbps for a network on a port with 1 Gbps bandwidth in a X480 Summit.


Contributor II
As far as I understand it, traffic meters are used to implement policing (limiting), not shaping.

Shaping seems to be implemented on EXOS by defining several QoS profiles, assigning bandwidth and buffers, and using a QoS scheduler. Traffic that is not not forwarded immediately is kept in the buffer and sent later (if that QP is serviced at all and if the traffic fits in the buffers).

Not applicable
Just looking into configuring rate shaping. I apologise in advance if this is wrong but isn't this example rate limiting not rate shaping?

Is that right? If not, what's the difference between the two and if you have any examples. This is linked to my post here:

Many thanks.

Extreme Employee
Hello Demetrio

Is this ingress, egress or both? For ingress you need to create a meter and then assign that meter to the port or traffic using an ACL. The meter will drop any traffic that is over the meter. For egress you need to define a qosprofile using the command create qosp qp5 for example then assign that traffic to the qosprofile and finally put a maximum setting on the traffic using the command config qosp qp5 peak_rate 2 M ports

I hope that helps if there are more questions please let us know.