Hi Rahman
I attached two configurations of the two X440's.
Yes, The DCHP server is the firewall, recently We added to the network five DM-NVX-350 witht statics ip address.
Is the same configutation for two switch.
X440G2-24t-G4_I.2 # show configuration
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "X440G2-24t-G4_I"
configure snmp sysContact "support@extremenetworks.com, +1 888 257 3000"
configure sys-recovery-level switch reset
# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-28
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-28
configure vlan default delete ports 24
configure vlan Default add ports 24 tagged
configure vlan Default add ports 1-23,25-28 untagged
configure vlan Default ipaddress
configure vlan Mgmt ipaddress
# Module mcmgr configuration.
# Module fdb configuration.
# Module rtmgr configuration.
configure iproute add default vr VR-Mgmt
# Module policy configuration.
# Module aaa configuration.
# Module acl configuration.
# Module bfd configuration.
# Module cfgmgr configuration.
# Module dosprotect configuration.
# Module dot1ag configuration.
# Module eaps configuration.
# Module edp configuration.
# Module elrp configuration.
# Module ems configuration.
# Module epm configuration.
# Module erps configuration.
# Module esrp configuration.
# Module ethoam configuration.
# Module etmon configuration.
# Module exsshd configuration.
# Module hal configuration.
# Module idMgr configuration.
# Module ipSecurity configuration.
# Module ipfix configuration.
# Module lldp configuration.
# Module mrp configuration.
# Module msdp configuration.
# Module netLogin configuration.
# Module netTools configuration.
# Module ntp configuration.
# Module rip configuration.
# Module ripng configuration.
# Module snmpMaster configuration.
# Module stp configuration.
# Module techSupport configuration.
enable tech-support collector
# Module telnetd configuration.
# Module tftpd configuration.
# Module thttpd configuration.
# Module twamp configuration.
# Module vmt configuration.
# Module vsm configuration.
X440G2-24t-G4_I.3 #