We have extreme inter switch with 7 ports in LAG all in different slots.
And we can see 1 of the 7 ports is taking high utilization apart from other 6
As these on different slots, so any input on the issue.
If anything can be checked, (no errors/no congestion) but in peak time sometimes we get ping drop.
show port 1:4 1:5 2:13-15 2:19-20
Port Link Link Rx Peak Rx Tx Peak Tx
State Speed % bandwidth % bandwidth % bandwidth % bandwidth
JBCIMS-U> A 1000 16.35 36.00 29.97 69.66
JBCIMS-b> A 1000 15.42 36.51 14.90 35.03
EVO_Cont> A 1000 31.43 74.81 14.30 32.22
RNCVKIRJ> A 1000 15.50 36.19 14.54 32.33
To_JAISW> A 1000 15.53 40.01 14.61 35.58
RJGMSC5_> A 1000 15.93 40.32 14.81 34.99
RJGMSC4_> A 1000 16.37 40.78 14.88 36.04