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Management Lost through console

Management Lost through console

New Contributor II
Hello Community , I would like to know if some of you have ever experienced a problem when configuring through the console that sometimes it doesn't respond and you must reboot the switch in oder to have again the console CLI working. Do you know a way to fix this behavior in the switch? could it be a compatibility problem with the terminal emulator software that i use (PuTTy)? . I recently have this problem with a customer , the switch model is a summit X670-G2 with firmware and also it happened with a summit X670-G2 with patch 1-9 firmware. SInce they want to use these switches as Core , it's very difficult to explain them why this happened . I Hope that my description is clear enough , perhaps there is some grammar mistakes since english is not my native language , just let me know if you need some details . Kind Regards!

Extreme Employee
How are you connecting to the console port? Are you using a Serial-to-serial, or a USB-to-Serial cable adapter? I have found that USB-to-Serial adapters wont interface properly with the switch if the wrong, or a generic driver is loaded. I had the same issue you're experiencing with Prolific USB-to-RS232 cables while running commands that generate dynamic outputs like top, show ports, etc.

Extreme Employee
Hey Marlon,

I could not locate any known issues in those versions of software with the 670G2 platform. Here is a few things to try to narrow down the issue.

1. Try a different emulator such as securecrt, or tera term
2. Change console cable (usb dongle if in use and rj-45cable)
3. Check CPU via "top" command to make sure cpu is normal
4. Check serial settings are correct:

• Baud rate—9600
• Data bits—8
• Stop bit—1
• Parity—None
• Flow control—XON/XOFF

5. connect via telnet or ssh and see if issue follows.

Hi Joe, Thanks for your suggestions , i'll do that for the nex time i face this issue . But do you think that it could be an unknown problem in the XOS software? .

New Contributor III
Hi Marlon,

We've had the issue a few times with x460-48p switches. Console was working then it stopped for unknown reasons. We tried different laptops thinking it was an issue with them, but that didn't work either. The switch was accessible over the network so we ssh'd into it but console wouldn't work. I couldn't see anything in the logs that gave a reason for the console, though later in the day the stack fully stopped responding and we had to hard boot the entire stack, that reboot then resolved the console problem.

These are the messages we received when the entire stack stopped responding, which is different than you are reporting I know. Not sure if related. Slot 1 was our master and where we were consoling in to. But short and long of it, yes, we have that problem on occasion too, the console locks up.


09/01/2015 12:14:44.41 Slot-5: Slot-1 FAILED (1) Conduit recei ve error encountered
09/01/2015 12:14:44.41 Slot-5: System Error 0: Conduit receive error encountered
09/01/2015 12:14:44.48 Slot-4: Slot-1 FAILED (1)
09/01/2015 12:14:44.41 Slot-5: pibConduitMasterRcvOneSlo t(): failed, rc=-6, errno=134, slot=1
09/01/2015 12:14:44.16 Slot-3: Slot-1 FAILED (1)
09/01/2015 12:14:44.18 Slot-2: Slot-1 FAILED (1)
09/01/2015 12:14:44.59 Slot-1: Slot-1 FAILED (1) Error on Slot -1

09/01/2015 12:14:44.59 Slot-1: DM: Lost connection to HAL
09/01/2015 12:14:44.56 Slot-1: Connection lost with pr ocess hal
09/01/2015 12:14:26.58 Slot-1: 2ce2fbfc 0320f809 jalr t9
09/01/2015 12:14:26.58 Slot-1: 2ce2fbf8 00000000 nop
09/01/2015 12:14:26.58 Slot-1: 2ce2fbf4 8f99829c lw t9,-32100(gp)
09/01/2015 12:14:26.58 Slot-1: 2ce2fbf0 8fa4002c lw a0,44(sp)
09/01/2015 12:14:26.58 Slot-1: 2ce2fbec afa70028 sw a3,40(sp)
09/01/2015 12:14:26.58 Slot-1: 2ce2fbe8 sw v0,36(sp)
09/01/2015 12:14:26.58 Slot-1: 2ce2fbe4 0000000c syscall 0