We have a remote campus (Y) that is connected to central campus (X) via 30 mbit/s leased fiber. We have S4 as router at X campus and X460-G2 at Y campus. We use static routing and the point to point VLAN is 139.
As we have 30 mbit/s line, ISP company is dropping packets that exceeds 30 mbit/s. Mostly it is download trafffic for campus Y (X ---> Y) that is egressing S4 and ingressing X460-G2. This is having negative effect on our internal services like VoIP, internal web applications etc. So is there any way to tell X460-G2 that even the port is showing 1G fiber in it, it is actually a 30 mbit/s connection and just make the given IP subnets (for internal services) have precedence? We don't care if campus Y has a laggy internet connection when they fill 30mbit/s. But we want to make sure internal services not effected.
Is this possible?