Hey Merab,
Below is example of dot1w interoperability with Cisco:

Extreme Configuration (EXOS)
configure vlan test add port 3 tagged
conf vlan "Default" del port 3
create stpd domain_test
conf stpd "domain_test" add vlan "test" ports 1,3 pvst-plus
conf stpd "domain_test" tag 10
con stpd "domain_test" mode dot1w
conf stpd "domain_test" default-encapsulation pvst-plus
conf stpd "domain_test" ports link-type point-to-point 1,3
enable stpd "domain_test"
disable edp port 3
Cisco Configuration (IOS)
configure terminal
interface gigabitEthernet 0/3
no cdp enable
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
no shutdown
configure terminal
spanning-tree vlan 10
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
copy run start