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Problems with script in a summit stack

Problems with script in a summit stack

New Contributor
I have a stack of two SummitX690 with firmware and i want to use spanning tree for LoopProtection.
To get new Vlans automatically add to stp "S0" i started the intended script "" from Master. Unfortunately, this does not really work.
Show the CLI Output:

Slot-1 V9350013.1 # run script start
Spanning Tree Easy Setup
- Configures spanning tree s0 mode to MSTP/CIST
- Scans all VLANs
if a VLAN is not connected to spanning tree, it is added to s0
if a VLAN is already connected to spanning tree s0, it is updated
VLANs connected to spanning tree(s) other than s0 are not affected
- Starts a VLAN monitoring process for any new VLANS
newly created VLANS are automatically added to spanning tree s0

Do you wish to proceed? [y/N] y
STP s0 is already configured for MSTP
Enabling STP s0
ezspantree started
Scanning all VLANs
VLANs not connected to STP will be automatically added to s0


Slot-1 V9350013.2 #
Slot-1 V9350013.2 # run script show
ezspantree Version: process is not running
VLANs are not automatically added to spanning tree s0

Slot-1 V9350013.3 # sh process ezspantree
Card Process Name Version Restart State Start Time Group
Slot-1 ezspantree User 0 Ready Wed Mar 14 08:50:31 2018 Other
Slot-2 ezspantree Unknown 0 Init Unknown Other
Slot-1 V9350013.4 #

The same problem occurs in a mixed stack (X690/X870).
The script works well with same firmware if the switches are standalone.

Have anyone experiences regarding the script use in the stack?


Contributor III
Finally this question:
How can i ensure that this script is running all the time ? Would i informed if the script failed, end, died ...?

If the switch reboots i can use autoexec.xsf. But what can i do if the script end during the switch normal uptime. Is it possible to automatic restart this ?

Do i have to programm this by myself with UPM scripts ? (Information that the script died to XMC, restart script etc ...)
Is there maybe a ready-to-go solution from extreme networks available?

Contributor III
This is really a nice thing (not a feature more a showcase of a feature) and could be very helpful!

But as you can see at another THE HUB article:
it seems not very stable and reliable...

As long as this "EXOS_App" was provided by this license term:
"The software is provided as is and Extreme Networks has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or modifications. Any support provided by Extreme Networks is at its sole discretion. Issues and/or bug fixes may be reported on The Hub."

You cannot use this on a productive customers network!!

So my appeal is to transfer this "show case" into a real EXOS feature - which is fully tested, support, maintained, documentated, easy-to-use and mainly rock-solid and reliable.

I hope there a plans to do that in future EXOS and the existing python script is only a temporary thing...


Extreme Employee

Extreme Employee
Hi Andreas,

I have not tested with stack, however, I could see below conversation about same script.
