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PSTAG issue

PSTAG issue

Valued Contributor
Hello, all!

There is L2 network on X670, all clients receiving VLAN untagged.
At each member port, bind the MAC address of its router and disable the learning.
There are customers who are connected "through" some operator, and the operator, wants to give them service not in his VLAN, but in some other.
Therefore, the PSTAG is very suitable.
The port configuration of the participant looks like this:
# configure vlan "XXX" add ports 1 untagged
# configure vlan "XXX" add ports 1 tagged 1000
Traffic in 1000 VLAN from client must be remapped to VLAN XXX online and vice versa.

As a result, this happens, but at the same time the participant, which is connected in the neighboring port (for example, port 2) and for which the configuration is standard, stops receiving the service.
At the same time, sessions with him do not fail, but traffic falls on their port.
The client in VLAN 1000 works fine and sees the entire network.

For example:
# sh conf | inc "port 1"
configure port 1 rate-limit flood broadcast 1000
configure port 1 vlan XXX limit-learning 0 action stop-learning
create fdb cc??cc:c5:f0:02 vlan "XXX" port 1

# sh conf | inc "ports 1 "
configure ports 1 display-string Client-1
configure ports 1 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure sflow ports 1 sample-rate 16384 enable sflow ports 1 ingress
enable lldp ports 1 receive-only

# sh conf | inc "port 2"
disable learning port 2
disable flooding unicast multicast port 2
create fdb aa:aa:aa:d6:77:1d vlan "XXX" port 2
configure vlan XXX add port 2 tagged 1000

So when input command #configure vlan UA-IX add port 2 tagged 1000
Connection with port 1 is strangely disappear - MAC-address is visible, but traffic isn't forward.
When cancel a command, everything is restored.

Scheme below:


Thank you!

Extreme Employee
Hello Alexandr,

Have you tried to test the same PSTAG config with default learning and flooding settings?

Best Regards,

Extreme Employee
Sorry, looks like I was mistaken on how EXOS would handle that configuration. It looks like it will do what you were expecting it to do, rather than what I was thinking.

I'd say this looks like it is likely a bug of some sort, so it's probably best to open up a case so we can investigate it further.

Valued Contributor
Let's try more simple:
VLAN XXX = tag 1500
VLAN YYY = tag 1000

#configure vlan XXX add port 2 utagged
#configure vlan XXX add port 2 tagged 1000

In this case on port 2 I can see only untagged frames from VLAN XXX and tagged frames with tag 1000 (which have to be forwarded to VLAN XXX).
Or no?

Thank you!

Valued Contributor
Hi, Brandon!

Correct me if I'm wrong.
In case of PSTAG
  • when tagged frames (with tag 1000) came from client to port 2, tag have to cleared and this frames have to be forward in VLAN XXX as untagged to other ports - vlan participants (and vice versa)
  • untagged frames which came to port 2 have to be accepted only from VLAN XXX
Thank you!

Extreme Employee
Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but it sounds like you are configuring VLAN XXX on port 2 untagged, then coming back and configuring the same VLAN (XXX) with a PS-tag of 1000. Is that correct?

If so, the PS-tag vlan configuration will override the untagged assignment, and only traffic tagged with VLAN ID 1000 will be accepted into VLAN XXX on port 2.