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routing between two Vlan

routing between two Vlan

New Contributor
if I have two vlan IT , Vlan HR for example ,
assign\24 for vlan IT , pc1 belongs to it (
assign for vlan HR ,pc2 belongs to it (

how to ping from pc1 to pc2, uses VR-Router.

thanks alot

New Contributor
Thanks, BR

Valued Contributor II
Hi Nadir,

VR-Routers IMHO is something that was introduced before VRFs, the idea is pretty simple - to be able to use separate routing tables for each VR, that allows subnets to overlap without mutual interruption. What for? I seek use cases at service providers and R&D, where many tenants might wish or have to use some subnets of their own choice without having any knowledge about other tenants' addressing space. VR/VRFs might be also used in L3 VPN scenario.
On all EXOS switches there are two VRs out of the box, VR-Mgmt and VR-Default. VR-Mgmt is just a separate 'routing instance' for handling IP communication related to the OOB management interface, and VR-Default is the main routing instance. On all but X440-G2/X620 you can create tens of additional VRs for your purposes (OTOH VRFs are of greater scalability). Under normal operation you don't need more so you rely on VR-Default.
Please take care, features like ping, tftp, syslog and others might use VR-Mgmt or VR-Default by default, so it is a good habit to specify VR-Default for some of these. It is also important, that a VLAN can be contained only within a single VR (VR-Default is the destination when you do 'create vlan' without any other keywords).
For more info you can always have a look at 'Virtual Routers' chapter in EXOS User Guide. 🙂

Hope that helps,

New Contributor
Hi Tomasz
Thanks, I understand that, could you explain me about VR-Router consept.
when I need to use VR?


Valued Contributor II
Hi Nadir,

Do you ask for config from the scratch?
create vlan IT tag 10
create vlan HR tag 20
configure vlan IT ipaddress #or 'conf IT ip'
configure vlan HR ipaddress
enable ipforwarding #without providing a VLAN for that command it'll enable IP forwarding (routing) on all VLANs that have IP addresses already configured
configure vlan IT add ports [port list, e.g. 1-3, 4,7,9, 1-3,6,8-15,22] untagged #the word 'untagged' is default so could be skipped, just to show you they can also be tagged in case of an end-system tagging its traffic
configure vlan HR add ports [port list] untagged

Should you have any further questions, just let us know.
You might also want to have a look at the EXOS User Guide and EXOS Command Reference for further clarification on any EXOS-related topic, it's a great reference tool:

Hope that helps,