Hello, I have a question regarding the way Extreme switches display traffic direction on its ports.
We have a GPS/weather-receiver station connected to one of our switches (Summit X450e) that transmit data only one way (from the GPS unit to our network). Thus, I'd expected to see traffic going 'into' the switchport and nothing else. However, when I issue a 'sh port 1:44 utilization' command I get the total opposite, with traffic being transmitted 'from' the switchport instead of 'to' the switchport. Am I reading this wrong? Please see output below:
Slot-1 MySwitch# sh por 1:44 utilization
Link Utilization Averages Thu Aug 14 14:17:13 2014Port Link Rx Peak Rx Tx Peak Tx
State pkts/sec pkts/sec pkts/sec pkts/sec
GPS_Unit A 0 0 7 10
Any input is appreciated. Thanks.