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Slot-1: Login failed through SNMPv3 - wrong digest

Slot-1: Login failed through SNMPv3 - wrong digest

New Contributor
I swapped out a switch in my stack and now i am seeing this error message in the logs. I cannot find anything online for this specific log. Does anyone know what this means? The service thats trying to run snmp queries has always been able to before i replaced the switch.

Extreme Employee
Hi Darren,

Please share more information about the stack:

- Are you using any server with IPv6 interface to poll the switch?
- The switch which is swapped, was it replaced as a master node in the stack?
- What is the Software version running in the switch and the hardware used?

Looking forward to the requested information. Thanks in advance.

New Contributor
I saw the not in lifetime article but my error says wrong digest. Is that mentioned in that article?

Sorry my bad - I've messed up the search - there are no articles with "wrong digest"

I don't see any existing article with the wrong digest error message related to SNMPv3. Hopefully some of the experts will chime in on this error and help get it resolved

Contributor II
Thanks Ron for pointing to the new improved search on the extreme networks corporate site, that does have the ability to filter for knowledge and community (The Hub) sources.

Darren, does Ron's search link work ok for you? should take you to the extreme networks search page with a search for "Login failed through SNMPv3 not in life time" with Knowledge and Community filters selected. There are a handful of knowledge articles found, one looks like it might be helpful. Let us know if the search works for you!

We hope to soon have an even better search in the new support portal more which is in beta right now.