Hi all,
I’m getting ready to decommission some Summit x450e’s and replace them with x460-G2’s. As I’m not very familiar with MTSP or Extreme in general and I’m looking for a little assistance. My plan is to create a trunk between the new 460 stack and one of the old switches and slowly move ports over so things can stay up while I’m doing it.
What I don’t grasp is the MTSP region. Does my new switch stack need to match the MTSP region on the switch I’m going to establish a trunk with? Currently there is no trunking between the old switches though.
As it is now, here is the config on one of the 450’s:
configure mtsp region xxxxxxxxx
configure stpd s0 delete plan default ports all
disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default
enable stpd s0 auto-bind plan Default
Coming from the Cisco world, should I lower the STP priority on the new stack before adding it? I’m so confused at this point. Appreciate any assistance.