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Stacking/Connecting x440-24 and x440-48

Stacking/Connecting x440-24 and x440-48

New Contributor II

I'm new to the Extreme range of devices and would like to ask for some advice on connecting 2 switches, 1 x440-48p and 1 x440-24p.

What are my options on the above?

Can I use the RJ45 ports as an uplink or must I use the copper/fibre ports on the right hand side of the switch?

In either solution do I need to configure the ports in any way?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


New Contributor II
Hi Paul,

Ah-ha! Things are becoming clearer. I now see the 'problem' with my plan to use any of the 1GB front ports. I know it is possible with other makes of switch.

So, I obviously need a stacking cable, details were kindly supplied by Ronald in the previous response.

I have the XOS User Guide which covers "Converting a Standalone Node Deployment to a Stack"

Are there any other documents that would help me on this task?



Extreme Employee
Hey Jason You have to use either the stacking ports or 10G ports. The 440 comes with either one of the options. You can't stack with the 1G ports. Anytime you go from unstuck to stack or vice versa you will unconfigure the switch. The old config is saved on the switch under the old-unstack.cfg or old-stack. If you never enabled stacking on the first switch the going with stacking now will need to be redone. The reason is that port 1 is now either port 1:1 or 2:1. Hope that helps. P

New Contributor II
Hi Ronald,

Thanks for your reply.

I should have mentioned that I aware of the 2 stacking ports on the rear of the devices but I believe that if I use these then I will have to re-configure both switches (1 of them is currently in use).

So I was hoping to use either the RJ45 ports or the SFP ports at the front of the device.

Do you know if this is possible?

I don't have any issue reconfiguring the switches but it would be handy if I could use the front ports as a temporary solution whilst I familiarise myself with the CLI commands and general config of the devices.



Honored Contributor
I think the 2 stacking ports are on the back of the switch.
On the last page of the datasheet you'd find the order# of the stacking cable.

New Contributor II
Hi Paul,

Thank you for a very quick reply.

The switch that I have has 4 ports I believe. I have the obvious 24 x RJ45 ports (ports 21-24 show as being Shared Ports) and to the right of them I have what appears to be four copper ports (also numbered 21-24).

Are these the copper ports you refer to?

