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Trunk EXOS switch to a Cisco switch

Trunk EXOS switch to a Cisco switch

New Contributor II

I've worked with Cisco switches for years and never used an Extreme switch before. I have to trunk one to our Cisco network so have a Cisco switch and Extreme switch in a GNS3 lab.

I have had no luck getting a dot1q trunk working. I have the 2 switches connected and a workstation plugged into either switch.

I want to use to start very basic:

VLAN 100 (sales)
Native VLAN 999

VLAN 100 IP should be

VLAN 100 IP should be
Trunk should be on port 12
Workstation in port 1 in VLAN 100

Can someone help with the Extreme config?


New Contributor II
Normally I set the native vlan on the Cisco side:

interface GigabitEthernet3/3
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 999
switchport mode trunk
media-type rj45
negotiation auto

Extreme (tagged all on the trunk like you suggested)

configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-12
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-12
configure vlan default delete ports 1,12
create vlan "VLAN100"
configure vlan VLAN100 tag 100
create vlan "VLAN_0999"
configure vlan VLAN_0999 tag 999
configure vlan Default add ports 2-11 untagged
configure vlan VLAN100 add ports 12 tagged
configure vlan VLAN100 add ports 1 untagged
configure vlan VLAN_0999 add ports 12 tagged
configure vlan VLAN100 ipaddress

Attempt to ping the Cisco switch:

* Extreme-SW1.19 # ping
Ping(ICMP) 4 packets, 8 data bytes, interval 1 second(s).
Request timed out
Request timed out
Request timed out
Request timed out

* Extreme-SW1.21 # sh vlan 100

VLAN 100: sh vlan VLAN100
VLAN Interface with name VLAN100 created by user
Admin State: Enabled Tagging: 802.1Q Tag 100
Description: None
Virtual router: VR-Default
IPv4 Forwarding: Disabled
IPv4 MC Forwarding: Disabled
Primary IP:
IPv6 Forwarding: Disabled
IPv6 MC Forwarding: Disabled
IPv6: None
STPD: None
Protocol: Match all unfiltered protocols
Loopback: Disabled
NetLogin: Disabled
OpenFlow: Disabled
QosProfile: None configured
Egress Rate Limit Designated Port: None configured
Flood Rate Limit QosProfile: None configured
Suppress ARP: Disabled
Proxy ARP: Entry required
Ports: 2. (Number of active ports=2)
Untag: *1
Tag: *12

From the Cisco switch it can see the Extreme ok:

Switch#sh cdp ne det
Device ID: Extreme-SW1
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: EXOS-VM, Capabilities: Switch
Interface: GigabitEthernet3/3, Port ID (outgoing port): Slot: 1, Port: 12
Holdtime : 159 sec

From the Extreme

Extreme-SW1.20 # show cdp neighbor

Extreme-SW1.21 #

Contributor III
you are correct. If there is no reason for you to have your native vlan on the Extreme switch you do not have to even create it. It is not recommended to have untagged vlans on a trunk port ....

New Contributor II
Thanks goes so my config looks wrong based on your descriptions:

VLAN 999 (Native) needs to be untagged on port 12 (trunk), and VLAN 100 tagged on ports 1 (workstation) and Port 12 Trunk?

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-12
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-12
configure vlan default delete ports 1,12
create vlan "VLAN100"
configure vlan VLAN100 tag 100
create vlan "VLAN_0999"
configure vlan VLAN_0999 tag 999
configure vlan Default add ports 2-11 untagged
configure vlan VLAN100 add ports 1,12 untagged
configure vlan VLAN_0999 add ports 12 untagged
configure vlan VLAN100 ipaddress

Contributor III
Let me see if I can help translate IOS to EXOS for vlans.. If you think of vlans as the standard is written Tagged means you add a tag id to a vlan that can be trunked across a switch port. So all vlans to be trunked must be created with the appropriate tag ID and then the vlans needing to be trunked to another switch or device must be added tagged to the interface that connects the devices together...

Untagged is the same as a native vlan .. you can only have on untagged vlan per port just like you can only have one native vlan per port.. Pretty simple if you thing about it... Untagged means the vlan id is removed from the header and now it is a plain ethernet frame .. Native vlan is just a vlan that has had the tag id removed.

In your case if you want the PC to be part of the broadcast domain you must untag vlan 100 on the port the work station is on... If you want the workstation to be on your native vlan 999 then 999 must be untagged on the workstation port on the Extreme switch...

Valued Contributor II
Yeah, the CLI is totally different but once you get used to it, it's really convenient.
On Extreme you don't allow all, you have to explicitly configure VLANs to be contained within a port, either tagged or (just one of them, like Native VLAN) untagged. For any interswitch communication and trunking I'd recommend to do ports tagged in all necessary VLANs while leaving untagged ports in VLANs only for end systems like PCs and so on.
To see things I'd recommend to begin with:
show vlan
show vlan [name or id]
show ports [port list] information detail
show ports [port list] vlan (since couple of fw releases)
show ports [port list] (optionally with 'no-refresh', try and see the difference, that keyword gives you one-shot and normal show ports by default will refresh every second)
show fdb

Those are the most basic commands to understand how your VLANs and ports are configured besides just doing config output (like show config | grep vlan).

You can also enable CDP on EXOS BTW if you wish. STP can be also set with PVST+ encapsulation for interswitch ports (that's a per port config).

If you wish we could establish some 1h session on Thursday or Friday to sort some things out live.

Hope that helps,