Hello All,
For those who have been able to attach an exos to fabric, please help 🙂
I have all Fabric configured on the Avaya side, I enabled FA on my SMLT (It's a trunk).
on Exos is where I am wondering how to add a vlan. on Avaya, if I add a fabric attached VLAN, it auto creates VLAN and then adds it to the fabric attached ports.
on EXOS, it looks like I have to create the vlan, then config it with the nsi, which I did:
450TEST.27 # show vlan fabric attach assignments
Fabric Attach Mode: Proxy
Port VLAN VLAN Name Type ISID/NSI Status
------- ---- -------------------------------- ------- -------- --------
3 VLAN_0003 Static 70003 Pending
How about the attaching of the fabric on the ports on exos, don't I have to do that first? LLDP is enabled on both of my ports that are running sharing:
LLDP-MED fast start repeat count : 3
LLDP Port Configuration:
Port Rx Tx SNMP --- Optional enabled transmit TLVs --
Mode Mode Notification LLDP 802.1 802.3 MED AvEx DCBX
47 Enabled Enabled -- PNDCM --- ---- ---- ---- --
48 Enabled Enabled -- PNDCM --- ---- ---- ---- --
Is there any article on how to fabric attach on EXOS that I can refer to?
Does the new software 22.5.1 support zero touch fabric attach to get the mgmt vlan?