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Apple MacBook Sierra Wireless WIFI 5GHZ

Apple MacBook Sierra Wireless WIFI 5GHZ

New Contributor III
MacBook running HighSierra in wireless 5Ghz very instable in access-points 3825, 3805, 3912 with controller C25 running v10.31.04 ou v10.31.04.

After a week of testes the best solution is: Disable 5Ghz and use the 2.4Ghz interface Only

New Contributor II
Also, maybe I am looking at the screen captures wrong, but it looks like you are pinging the mac device from a windows client. What do the ping times look like when you run a ping from the mac out to for example ? Or from the mac back to the windows host ?

New Contributor II
That is really strange. Normally, you would expect the opposite, where 2.4 would experience the latency vs 5. The AP's are showing as connected at 1gb on your wired switch ports ?

What channel width are you using on radio 1 ? Someone else suggested it, but I would certainly look at doing some sort of spectrum analysis if you are on site to see if you have multiple AP's on the same channel in a particular area. If you have an iphone, you can get the airport utility from the app store and it would give you quick look.

New Contributor III
Hello Peter, With your settings , I have the same

Have you test with ping an iMac on 5Ghz in your infrastructure ?



New Contributor II
Yes, ensure that if you have two APs close to each other, that they aren't on the same channel. So for example if you if you have two classrooms back to back, ensure that they aren't both on channel 36, but maybe 36 and 44. I've seen symptoms like you mentioned where the Macbook would be associated to wireless, but no internet.

Have you seen this article for channel planning?

As for the Apple commands, the one I mentioned will give some good output based on where the Macbook client is sitting. This command will show what AP the Macbook is associated to and information like signal strength: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport -I

New Contributor III
Hello Peter,

Manual channels, at this point. No, I don't use Apple, I don't know the commands. The configuration is similar, but about the other settings 11k and others ? You have problems when two access points are using the same channel in near classroom ?
