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Extended wireless reports

Extended wireless reports

New Contributor III
I'm still missing historical data of important wireless metrics like channel utilization per ap/channel and historical data for other statistics you could view in the EWC reports like "Wireless Statistics by APs" and "AP Performance Report by Radio". A historical report of channel utilization could help you to find out were you have or are close to wireless performance problem or maybe a non-WiFi interference source exists.

I've tried to create my own custom report in OneView, but i could not found the values I'am looking for. Hopefully next version of Extreme Control Center add more usefull features to the Wireless Tab making admins lifes more easy. Compared to competitor WNMS many things are still missing.

If I'm wrong, please tell me how can view the things I'am looking for.

Best Regards

New Contributor III
Hello Thomas,
sorry for the late reply. If have still no solution fully integrated in EMC. I am really unhappy, too. This is rely bad compared to other NMS/WMS solutions.

Best Regards

Ok, I will look into it. But first I have to find a way to get an alert when channel utilisation is too high on our APs 3805i.
Thanks James. Have a good one.

Hi James.
First of all I want to thank you for this wonderful work for merging the EWC to LibreNMS. I started with with LibreNMS a month ago and I didn't expect to get so much useful information about EWC. Great work!! I am disappointed that Extreme Mangement Centre (EMC) version 8.03 doesn't provide any information about channel utilization, data which is very important for me as a network administrator. I like very much LibeNMS, the only thing I wish it could provide is offering a list of clients connected to an AP with their MAC addresses and not only the number of connected clients.
With best regards,

Hi Hartmut.
We are testing EMC (Netsight Suite and still I can't find any information of Channel utilization of an AP. Could you resolve your problem meanwhile?


New Contributor III
Hello James, thanks for your reply. I will try this, but its only a "hack" not a customer friendly solution.

I know you could do several interesting stuff at the CLI/linux busybox. With knowledge of the filesystem I've placed a picture in the guest portal voucher, also a hack, but many customer ask for it. The downside is not update save. Solutions like this are cool for "geeky" wireless guys or admins, but customers like easy useable solutions.

Hopefully Extreme listen more to customer requirements and the feedback from the Systems Engineers working in with there production in real world scenarios. Channel utilization history is one important feature every vendor should implement in there NMS/WNMS. Its not nice to have, its a must have in my opinion.

Kind Regards