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Extended wireless reports

Extended wireless reports

New Contributor III
I'm still missing historical data of important wireless metrics like channel utilization per ap/channel and historical data for other statistics you could view in the EWC reports like "Wireless Statistics by APs" and "AP Performance Report by Radio". A historical report of channel utilization could help you to find out were you have or are close to wireless performance problem or maybe a non-WiFi interference source exists.

I've tried to create my own custom report in OneView, but i could not found the values I'am looking for. Hopefully next version of Extreme Control Center add more usefull features to the Wireless Tab making admins lifes more easy. Compared to competitor WNMS many things are still missing.

If I'm wrong, please tell me how can view the things I'am looking for.

Best Regards

Honored Contributor
In regards to.. "I've been told by GTAC that a lot of those snmptraps listed in the oneview reports are not enabled for typical collection. I was told that the ap channel utilization trap is only collected for VENUES. Not sure what "VENUES" means exactly."

With the NMS-ADV license you'd access ExtremeConnect in EMC which allows to enable different APIs to systems - one of them is venue reports.


From what I'd see it's a report that you create for a certain timeframe (= the event) and is then listed in the Report section - but I don't see any layer#1 information...


New Contributor III
I like to add some new questions to the topic. Some weeks ago at to study the OneView configuration more deeply. I noticed a the configuration menu for the "SNMP summaries" and found entries there for collection some data I'm interested. Compare with the appended screenshot:


I've tried to enable polling of this data, but my OneView still do not collect this data. Would be great to made this work, but this would also require wireless reports showing this data or a more flexible way to create custom reports.

Everyone here have this working?

Which traps did you try to enable, and how did you try to enable them? I was under the impression that you cannot modify the traps which are being collected by OneView.

I put in feature requests for things like historical channel utilization and DCS within Oneview and a little birdie has recently told me that they might be implementing it in the near future.

New Contributor II
Add me to the list of being interested in being able to look at the channel utilization over time. It would certainly help trouble shoot or give you starting point. Many times when problems are reported it is well after and being able to look at channel utilization would be valuable.