I would set the Admin port back to and configure a physical ESA port with the address you currently have as your Admin port (see my screen shot above).
Admin = Out of Band Management
Physical port= Management and AP Registration
If you get locked out of the controller, console in and configure the controller as follows...
EWC.extremenetworks.com# topology
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology# create "Management" physical 1 port esa0 untag (use your IP address this is an example)
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology# apply
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology# Management
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology: Management# l3
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology: Management: l3# ap-register enable
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology: Management: l3# mgmt enable
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology: Management: l3# apply
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology: Management: l3# exit
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology: Management# exit
EWC.extremenetworks.com: topology# exit
If all else fails, contact the
GTAC for assistance.
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks