I've posted about this problem before and I'm having the same problem that I can't solve.
I've upgraded both APs to 5.9.3
I have set up AP1 with ssid myWireless
I have configured AP2 with the following
- en
- config t
- rf-domain default
- country-code us
- exit
- profile ap7522 default-ap7522
- interface radio 1
- shut
- interface radio 2
- rf-mode bridge
- bridge ssid myWireless
- bridge encryption-type ccmp
- bridge authentication-type none
- bridge wpa-wpa2 psk 0 myWirelessKey
- comm wr
- self
- interface vlan 1
- ip address
- exit
- ip default-gateway
- commit write
When I run "show wireless bridge candidate-ap" it shows "Total number of candidates displayed: 0"
Can anyone help me get this bridging configuration working?
Thank you