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Controller Assisted Mobility

Controller Assisted Mobility

New Contributor II

Seeking any feedback on the "Controller Assisted Mobility" feature which can be enabled on WLAN>Client Settings.
I have a older Distribution Center site running 2 RFS7000s. Site has 3 buildings assigned to their own unique RF Domains. Building 1 has 60 AP621s, Building 3 has 30 AP621s and Building 3 has 20 AP6522s. All APs are configured for IPLayer3/MintLevel1 adoption. The main WLAN is tunnelled back to the controller and configured with a VLAN pool of 4 VLANs. Problems occur when forklifts move between RF domains, and on recent rare occasions MU disassociations result in MUs being assigned to a new VLAN. I've seen the following webpage which recommends implementing Controller Assisted Mobility for these issues, but when implemented I can't see any difference in the GUI or way of confirming if a roaming database is being maintained by the controller. any feedback would be appreciated, thanks.


Extreme Employee
HI Gary,

what controller assisted mobility does is actually a database of clients and their vlan / wlan assignation.
That helps controller and APs to effectively share information across RF-Domains, which are borders of WNMP updates.

You can check your mobility database using below command and see if populated correctly
show wireless mobility-database


Let us know if you have any concerns about that.


Hi Gary,

I believe this is until the client "decay" occurs.

Basically once there is traffic seen from the MAC it is on, then there is inactivity-timeout to be measured and then the client is gone.



Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure how to view the mobility database.
How long are details stored in this database to enable smooth roaming?

New Contributor II
Running an older firmware version
Don't have many opportunities do do any upgrades at this site, and everything has been running smoothly up till now.Have confirmed that Controller Assisited Mobility can be enabled from the GUI.

Extreme Employee
Hi, Gary can you share with us the firmware version your running, please.