Friday - last edited Friday
We have a pair of Extreme AP460i access points we have had for a while, but not had a use case for until now. What I want to use them for is to extend wireless service to an outdoor location where there is not network availability.
I opened Case Number 03081608 with GTAC regarding this, but also want to reach out to the community.
My plan is to have one of the APs connect to our network as the local point to point AP, and the other be the remote P2P AP. This one will receive power via a power injector.
I have been reading through the antenna configuration documentation, but I do not yet have this working correctly. Below is how I have the antennas configured for each AP:
Local P2P:
The only antenna configured is for the backhaul. Radio 1, port 2.4-5 antenna Type:
ML-2452-PNA7-01R 8/12dBi 68deg Panel:
Remote P2P:
The only antenna configured is for the backhaul. Radio 1, port 2.4-5 antenna Type:
ML-2452-PNA7-01R 8/12dBi 68deg Panel
Two antennas to server clients at the remote location:
I configured the client bridge credentials on both APs to be the same.
In addition to the VLAN for backhaul traffic, the VLAN to serve clients is referenced on the radios for backhaul traffic on both APs.
The radios to serve clients are configured on the other antennas on the remote AP.
Our local AP seems to be working right, but clients cannot connect to the advertised SSID from the remote AP, which for testing purposes is about 75’ away.
I have one other issue that will be important when we get this running and ready for deployment. I have not found any documentation regarding the maximum distance between the APs that would be supported for the backhaul. The distance we want to cover is approximately 552 feet (168 meters). Would you know if the ML-2452-PNA7-01R 8/12dBi 68deg Panel antenna can support this?
Ken Applebaum.